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planning snowparks

F-tECH Snowparks

Located in the heart of the Alps, F-TECH is the top address for quality snowparks and snowpark equipment. For more than 20 years we have offered snowpark features, fun elements and special products for your fun and freestyle project.

We provide safe and high quality products, developed, designed and tested in order to satisfy the ski resorts guests.

The main part of our product range is manufactured near Merano, Northern Italy. With a team of experienced product designers, developers and craftsmen, specialized in metal working, we can guarantee high quality standards. Therefore besides our standard range of snowpark equipment, we can also provide personalized snowpark features for your special projects.

We provide:

• Freestyle park equipment
• Family Fun line equipment
• Learning terrain equipment
• Special customized features
• Shapetools
• Build-up support
• Repair service

For the digital measuring of landscapes and snowpark planning, please contact: Prinoth Snowpark Services

We'd love to experience your winter as well

If you want us to design and build your Snowpark feel free to contact us.

Martin Gruber

+39 339 548 0381